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1 W Sun, L Zhang, WEI Ming, DU Yong, B Huang, Effect of liquid diffusion coefficients on microstructure evolution during solidification of Al356. 1 alloy, Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China, 23 (12), 3722-3728
2 K Cheng, D Liu, L Zhang, Y Du, S Liu, C Tang, Interdiffusion and atomic mobility studies in Ni-rich fcc Ni− Al− Mn alloys, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 579, 124-131
3 J Li, W Chen, D Liu, W Sun, L Zhang, Y Du, H Xu, Interdiffusivities and Atomic Mobilities in fcc Ni-Cu-Si Alloys, Journal Of Phase Equilibria And Diffusion, 34, 484-492
4 W Chen, W Xie, L Zhang, L Chen, Y Du, B Huang, G Wen, S Wang, Diffusion-controlled growth of fcc-free surface layers on cemented carbides: Experimental measurements coupled with computer simulation, International Journal Of Refractory Metals And Hard Materials, 41, 531-539
5 R Wang, W Chen, L Zhang, D Liu, X Li, Y Du, Z Jin, Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in the Al–Ce–Ni melts, Journal Of Non-crystalline Solids, 379, 201-207
6 D Liu, L Zhang, Y Du, H Xu, Z Jin, Ternary diffusion in Cu-rich fcc Cu–Al–Si alloys at 1073K, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 566, 156-163
7 M Liu, L Zhang, W Chen, J Xin, Y Du, H Xu, Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in fcc_A1 Ni–X (X= Ge, Ti and V) alloys, Calphad, 41, 108-118
8 L Zhang, EV Danilova, I Steinbach, D Medvedev, PK Galenko, Diffuse-interface modeling of solute trapping in rapid solidification: Predictions of the hyperbolic phase-field model and parabolic model with finite interface dissipation, Acta Materialia, 61 (11), 4155-4168
9 WM Chen, LJ Zhang, DD Liu, Y Du, CY Tan, Diffusivities and Atomic Mobilities of Sn-Bi and Sn-Pb Melts, Journal Of Electronic Materials, 42 (6), 1158-1170
10 H Bo, DD Liu, LB Liu, LJ Zhang, Y Du, X Xiong, ZP Jin, Computational study of atomic mobilities in Al–Zr solid solutions and the growth of ZrAl 3 intermetallic phase, Calphad, 40, 34-40
11 R Ma, H Peng, Y Wen, L Zhang, K Zhao, Oxidation behavior of an austenitic stainless FeMnSiCrNi shape memory alloy, Corrosion Science, 66, 269-277
12 S WANG, D LIU, Y DU, L ZHANG, Q CHEN, A ENGSTRÖM, Development of an atomic mobility database for liquid phase in multicomponent Al alloys: focusing on binary systems, International Journal Of Materials Research, 104 (8), 721-735
13 D Liu, L Zhang, Y Du, S Cui, W Jie, Z Jin, Development of an atomic mobility database for disordered and ordered fcc phases in multicomponent Al alloys: focusing on binary systems, International Journal Of Materials Research, 104 (2), 135-148

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